
Three different variants of Connected Component (CC) algorithms are implemented, and the comparisons are provided as follows:

AlgorithmTime ComplexityParallelismTechniques
DFS$(O(V + E))$PoorRecursive Traversal
Union-Find$(O(V + E \alpha(V)))$PoorPath Compression, Union by Rank
Shiloach-Vishkin$(O(\log^* V))$Highly ParallelPointer Jumping

Here, $( \log^* )$ is the iterated logarithm, which is extremely slow-growing, making the algorithm very fast. $( \alpha(V) )$ is the inverse Ackermann function, practically a constant for all feasible input sizes.


#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>

* DFS + Label Propagation
auto dfs_cc(const std::vector<int>& rowPtr, const std::vector<int>& colIdx)
  int              labelCount  = 0;
  const auto       numVertices = rowPtr.size() - 1;
  std::vector<int> label(numVertices, -1);

  std::function<void(int)> dfs = [&dfs, &rowPtr, &colIdx, &label](int curr) {
    auto currentLabel = label[curr];
    for(auto i = rowPtr[curr]; i < rowPtr[curr + 1]; i++)
      auto next = colIdx[i];
      if(label[next] == -1)
        label[next] = currentLabel;
        dfs(next);    // propagate the label

  for(int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
    if(label[i] == -1)
      label[i] = labelCount++;
  return label;
* Union-Find CC
auto union_find(const std::vector<int>& rowPtr, const std::vector<int>& colIdx)
  const auto       numVertices = rowPtr.size() - 1;
  std::vector<int> parent(numVertices);
  std::vector<int> rank(numVertices);    // keep tree relatively balanced
  std::iota(parent.begin(), parent.end(), 0);
  //! Find
  // the resurive find function is not very clever
  // we can use `while(parent[i] != i) { i = parent[i]; }` instead
  std::function<int(int)> find = [&find, &parent](int i) {
    if(parent[i] == i)
      return i;
    // return find(parent[i]);
    // if without path compression, ends here
    //! Optimization: Path Compression
    parent[i] = find(parent[i]);
    return parent[i];

  std::function<void(int, int)> unite = [&find, &parent, &rank](int i, int j) {
    i = find(i);
    j = find(j);
    // if(i != j)
    // {
    //   parent[j] = i;
    // }
    // if without rank, ends here
    //! Optimization 2: Union by Rank
    if(i == j)
    //Attach the smaller rank tree under root of the larger rank tree
    if(rank[i] > rank[j])
      std::swap(i, j);
    parent[i] = j;    // rank[i] < rank[j]

    if(rank[i] == rank[j])

  for(int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
    for(auto j = rowPtr[i]; j < rowPtr[i + 1]; j++)
      unite(i, colIdx[j]);

  return parent;

* Shiloach-Vishkin CC
auto shiloach_vishkin(const std::vector<int>& rowPtr, const std::vector<int>& colIdx)
  const auto       numVertices = rowPtr.size() - 1;
  std::vector<int> parent(numVertices);    
  std::iota(parent.begin(), parent.end(), 0);

  bool update = true;
    update = false;
    //? Hooking Phase
    //! allowing for parallelism
    for(int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
      auto curr_parent = parent[i];
      for(auto j = rowPtr[i]; j < rowPtr[i + 1]; j++)
        auto next = colIdx[j];
        // lower ID wins independent of direction
        if(parent[next] > curr_parent)
          update       = true;
          parent[next] = curr_parent;
    //? Shortcuting / Compressing / Jumping Phase
    //! allowing for parallelism
    for(int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
      while(parent[i] != parent[parent[i]])
        parent[i] = parent[parent[i]];
        update    = true;
  return parent;

int main()

  std::vector<int> rowPtr = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
  std::vector<int> colIdx = { 1, 2, 0, 4, 5, 3 };

  auto label = dfs_cc(rowPtr, colIdx);
  std::cout << "Labels of dfs_cc: ";
  for(auto& l : label)
    std::cout << l << ' ';

  label = union_find(rowPtr, colIdx);
  std::cout << "\n\nLabels of Union Find: ";
  for(auto& l : label)
    std::cout << l << ' ';

  label = shiloach_vishkin(rowPtr, colIdx);
  std::cout << "\n\nLabels of Shiloach Vishkin: ";
  for(auto& l : label)
    std::cout << l << ' ';
  return 0;