
Strongly Connected Components operates the directed graph in which there is a directed path from each vertex to every other vertex.

Weakly Connected Component (the one we discussed before) ignores the direction of the edges. WCC is commonly considered the “default” CC algorithm, if there isn’t a specification for Strongly or Weakly.

Kosaraju’s Algorithm:

  1. Run 1st DFS to get finishing times of each vertex (i.e., postordering of DFS).
  2. [Backtracking] Run 2nd DFS on the transposed graph, starting with the visited vertices in Reverse Post-Order
  3. Each DFS tree in step 2 is an SCC.

Reverse Post-Order ensures that, in the second pass, every vertex is processed before any of its dependent vertices.

Tarjan’s Algorithm:

  1. Run DFS while maintaining the stack of DFS tree, the pre-order of nodes and low-link values.
  2. Find Back-Edge, and update low-link values based on traversed children.
  3. [Backtracking] if a vertex has a low-link value equal to its ID, pop the stack to form an SCC.


FeatureKosaraju’s AlgorithmTarjan’s Algorithm
Time ComplexityO(V + E)O(V + E)
Space ComplexityO(V)O(V)
DFS TraversalsTwoOne
Graph RepresentationsNeeds both original and transposed graphDoesn’t need a transposed graph
Backtracking2nd DFSSCC construction

Both algorithms employ DFS (alternatively, BFS for parallel implementations) and recorder the traversing order, alongside backtracking to determine the SCC. When utilizing DFS with backtracking, a stack is always used to keep track of the DFS tree.


#include <iostream>
#include <stack>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>

auto Kosaraju(const std::vector<int>& csr_pointer,
              const std::vector<int>& csr_index,
              const std::vector<int>& csc_pointer,
              const std::vector<int>& csc_index)
  const auto        num_nodes = csr_pointer.size() - 1;
  std::vector<bool> visited(num_nodes, false);
  std::stack<int>   post_order_stack;
  //! First DFS
  // traverse CSR graph
  std::function<void(int)> dfs_1st = [&](int source) {
    visited[source] = true;
    for(auto i = csr_pointer[source]; i < csr_pointer[source + 1]; i++)
      auto target = csr_index[i];

  for(int i = 0; i < num_nodes; i++)
  //! Second DFS
  std::function<void(int, std::vector<int>&)> dfs_2nd = [&](int target, std::vector<int>& SCC) {
    visited[target] = false;
    for(auto i = csc_pointer[target]; i < csc_pointer[target + 1]; i++)
      auto source = csc_index[i];
        dfs_2nd(source, SCC);
  // traverse CSC graph -- backtracking
  std::vector<std::vector<int>> all_SCCs;
    auto node =;
    if(visited[node]) // go through the visited nodes
      std::vector<int> SCC;
      dfs_2nd(node, SCC);
  return all_SCCs;

auto Tarjan(const std::vector<int>& csr_pointer, const std::vector<int>& csr_index) {
  auto num_nodes = csr_pointer.size() - 1;
  // The depth-first search order in which the vertices are discovered
  std::vector<int> pre_order(num_nodes, -1);   
  //  This represents the smallest pre_order value reachable from vertex [i]
  std::vector<int> low_link(num_nodes, 0); 
  std::vector<bool> in_stack(num_nodes, false);
  std::stack<int> dfs_tree_stack;
  std::vector<std::vector<int>> all_SCCs;

    dfs = [&csr_pointer, &csr_index, &dfs](int source,
                                          int count,
                                          std::vector<int>& pre_order,
                                          std::vector<int>& low_link,
                                          std::vector<bool>& in_stack,
                                          std::stack<int>& dfs_tree_stack,
                                          std::vector<std::vector<int>>& all_SCCs) {
      pre_order[source] = count++;
      low_link[source] = pre_order[source];
      in_stack[source] = true;
      // Back Edge: A back edge is an edge that connects a vertex to one of its ancestors in the DFS tree, creating a cycle.
      for(auto i = csr_pointer[source]; i < csr_pointer[source + 1]; i++) {
        auto target = csr_index[i];
        // if target is unvisited, perform DFS
        if(pre_order[target] == -1) {
          dfs(target, count, pre_order, low_link, in_stack, dfs_tree_stack, all_SCCs);
      // When a back edge from "source" to "target" is encountered and "target" is still in the stack,
      // low_link[source] is updated to min(low_link[source], dfn[target]). This is because "target" is an ancestor
      // of "source" in the DFS tree. The update indicates that there is a way to reach back to "target" 
      // from "source," thereby forming a cycle.
        if(in_stack[target]) {
          low_link[source] = std::min(low_link[source], low_link[target]);
      // >> Backtracking, after visiting a root vertex and all its descendants, 
      // check if current vertex is the root vertex
      // if true, the DFS tree is a SCC 
      if(pre_order[source] == low_link[source]) {
        std::vector<int> scc;
        while(true) {
          auto node =;
          in_stack[node] = false;

          if(node == source) {

  for(int i = 0; i < num_nodes; i++) {
    if(pre_order[i] == -1) {
      dfs(i, 0, pre_order, low_link, in_stack, dfs_tree_stack, all_SCCs);

  return all_SCCs;

int main()
  // CSR representation for the graph
  std::vector<int> csr_pointer = { 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
  std::vector<int> csr_index   = { 1, 3, 2, 0, 4, 3 };

  // CSC representation for the transpose of the graph
  std::vector<int> csc_pointer = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 };
  std::vector<int> csc_index   = { 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 3 };

  auto all_SCCs = Kosaraju2(csr_pointer, csr_index, csc_pointer, csc_index);

  for(const auto& scc : all_SCCs)
    std::cout << "SCC: ";
    for(int vertex : scc)
      std::cout << vertex << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;
   std::cout << "------------------" << std::endl;
  all_SCCs = Tarjan(csr_pointer, csr_index);
  for(const auto& scc : all_SCCs)
    std::cout << "SCC: ";
    for(int vertex : scc)
      std::cout << vertex << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;

  return 0;